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  • 2009/10/4Bob Iger rocks Disney
  • In revitalizing the Magic Kingdom, the CEO has built a compelling case that integrated, cross-platform media leviathans like Disney still make sense in the Digital Age.[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:Richard Siklos点击数:683
  • 2009/10/4Russia's king of crude
  • Lukoil, the country's largest independent company, has become the face of Russian business abroad. But can it be the next Exxon?[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:Barney Gimbel点击数:523
  • 2009/10/4The most wanted man on the planet
  • Fired as chief of Viacom, Tom Freston took off on a nonstop global adventure. Now he's helping Oprah to start a new TV network and Bono to save the world.[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:Patricia Sellers点击数:517
  • 2009/10/4Inside Obama's economic crusade
  • With a fast and furious start, the President's team is launching trillion-dollar programs to rescue the economy and remake the face of America. But will they get it right? Fortune went behind the scenes where his advisors are waging war on the recession.[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:Nina Easton点击数:519
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