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http://www.newdu.com 2017/8/19 北京周报 佚名 参加讨论

  中宣部常务副部长、中央文明办主任黄坤明在金砖国家治国理政研讨会上发表主旨演讲。(董宁 摄)



  Promoting exchange of governance experience is an important consensus of BRICS leaders, to which President Xi Jinping attaches great importance. Xi has stressed the need to enhance mutual understanding, exchanges and learning on a number of occasions. The BRICS Seminar on Governance is a concrete step taken to put the leaders' consensus into practice as well as a major event within the framework of the BRICS Summit in Xiamen in early September.


  The seminar's theme, Openness, Inclusiveness, Mutual Benefit and Win-win: Working Together to Build a Community of Shared Future for Mankind, conforms to the current wishes and aspirations of BRICS countries to strengthen dialogue and deepen cooperation. As participants share experience, exchange views and build consensus around this theme, the seminar is of great importance to enriching the outcomes of the BRICS Summit and helping usher in another golden decade for BRICS cooperation.


  Development is of overriding importance and holds the key to solving every problem. Similar development stages and common challenges make it even more significant for BRICS nations to learn from each other's governance strategies and practices so that we can choose the right and better path for the way ahead.



  First, we should set up a mechanism for communication and exchange of ideas. We should incorporate dialogue on governance into the overarching framework of BRICS cooperation, build a regular dialogue platform, uphold the principles of mutual respect, seeking common ground while setting aside differences, and mutual learning, and explore effective ways to address challenging development problems. We should make exchange of ideas on governance a booster and accelerator of BRICS cooperation.


  Second, we should include more participants in our discussions. BRICS nations' top-notch think tanks should play a major role. Political parties, companies, media and social organizations should be encouraged to take part. All this aims to create a grand channel for people-to-people exchanges among BRICS nations, provide intellectual wisdom for the advancement of BRICS cooperation and consolidate public support for it.


  Third, we should make more friends who are willing to share and join. BRICS countries belong to the big family of emerging markets and developing economies. We are proud of the achievements and precious lessons each family member makes and learns. We have also invited a number of scholars and business leaders from other emerging markets and developing countries to join us in the seminar. We welcome friends who are interested in sharing their governance experience from more countries to join our discussions; let's get acquainted!

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