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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《西部论坛》2012年第3期 李宏兵 参加讨论

    ①Ottavian。在其2011年的文献中首次提出了“‘新’新经济地理学”(“New” New Economic Geography)的概念,并将其描述为引入新新贸易理论的企业异质性假定后,在规模经济和垄断竞争基础上研究个人和企业的个体异质性如何影响其一般性的空间行为选择。相关研究还包括Venable(2011)、Naghavi等(2009)和Baldwin等(2011)。
    AHN J.KHANDELWAL A K,WEI S J.2011.The role of intermediaries in facilitating trade[J].Journal of International Economics,84(1):73-85.
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    ANTRAS P.2003.Firms,Contracts,and Trade Structure[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,118(4):1375-1418.
    ANTRAS P.ELHANAN H.2004.Global Sourcing[J].Journal of Political Economy,112(3):552-580.
    ANTRAS P.COSTINOT A.2010a.Intermediated Trade[R].NBER Working Paper No.15750.
    ANTRAS P,COSTINOT A.2010b.Intermediation and Economic Integration[J].American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings,100:424-428.
    ANTRAS P.Costinot A.2011.Intermediated trade[J].The quarterly journal of economics,126:1319-1374.
    BALDWIN R.2005.Heterogeneous Firms and Trade:Testable and Untestable Properties of the Melitz Model[R].NBER Working Paper,No 11471.
    BERNARD A B,EATON J,JENSEN J B,KORTUM S S.2003.Plants and productivity in international trade[J].American Economic Review,93(4):1268-1290.
    BERNARD A B,JENSEN J B,REDDING S J,SCHOTF P K.2010.Wholesalers and Retailersin US Trade[J].American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings,100:408-413.
    BLUM B S,CLARO S,HORSTMANN I.2010.Facts and figures on intermediated trade[J].American Economic Review,100(2):419-423.
    BLUM B,CLARO S,HORSTMANN I.2011.Intermediation and the nature of trade costs:theory and evidence[R].Unpublished,Rotman School of Management.
    DASGUPTA K,JORDI M.2011.Quality Uncertainty and Intermediationin International Trade[R].preliminary draft University of Toronto.
    FEENSTRA R C.GORDON H H.2004.Intermediaries in Entrep?t Trade:Hong Kong Re-Exports of Chinese Goods[J].Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,13:3-35.
    FELBERMAYR G J.JUNG B.2008.Trade intermediaries, incomplete contracts,and the choice of export modes[R].Eberhard karls university mimeo.
    FELBERMAYR G J,JUNG B.2011.Trade intermediaries and the organization of exporters[J].Review of International Economics,19(9):634-648.
    FERNANDEZ -BLANCO J.2010.A Directed Search Model of Imel3Tiediated Trade[J].Mimeo,Universidad Carlos Ⅲ.
    GROSSMAN S J,OLIVER D H.1986.The Costs and Benefits of Ownership:A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration[J].Journal of Political Economy,XCIV:691-719.
    HART,OLIVER,JOHN M.1990.Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm[J].Journal of Political Economy,XCVⅢ:1119-1158.
    HELPMAN E,MELITZ M,YEAPLE S.2004.Export versus FDI[J].American Economic Review,94:300-316.
    LU J-Y.Lu Y,ZHANG T.2011.Intermediaries,Firm Heterogeneity,and Exporting Behavior[C].Tsinghua—HKU International Economics Meeting,Working Paper.
    MELITZ M.2003.The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J]. Econometrica.71:1695-1725.
    OTFAVIANO G I P.2011.‘New’ new economic geography:Firm heterogeneity and agglomeration economies[J].Journal of Economic Geography,11:231-240.
    RAUCH J E,TRINDADE V.2002.Ethnic Chinese networks in international trade[J].The Review of Economics and Statistics.84:116-130.

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