单词 | 中文释义 | 英文释义 | 例句 |
searing | 1.酷热的(形容词) 2.强烈的(形容词) |
1. (adjective)Very hot 2. Powerful; extremely intense. |
EXAMPLE 1: The searing temperatures last August made everyone uncomfortable but caused a record increase in the sales of air conditioning systems. 去年8月的高温令所有人不适,却给空调设备的销售带来了创纪录的增长。 EXAMPLE 2: When he broke his ankle, the runner felt a searing pain in his entire leg. 这位跑步者在脚踝骨折时整条腿都感觉到了剧痛。 |
短语 | 中文释义 | 英文释义 | 例句 |
over the hill | 老不中用(成语) | (IDIOM) Too old to be useful. | EXAMPLE: Some young computer executives believe that anyone older than 30 is over the hill because they are not aware of new directions in technology. 一些年轻的电脑行业高管认为,行里的人一过三十就不中用了,因为他们不了解技术发展的新方向。 |