单词 |
emprise |
中文释义 |
1.冒险(名词);2.冒险精神(名词) |
英文释义 |
1. (noun) A bold, adventuresome enterprise. 2. (noun) The quality that enables someone to accomplish something requiring courage and prowess. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE 1: I'm shy, but my older brother is always undertaking some new emprise that brings him fame and wealth. 我是一个胆怯的人,但是我的哥哥总会搞一些能够给他带来名利的新冒险。 EXAMPLE 2: Even as a young man, the famous leader had a great sense of emprise that enabled him to become a successful military leader. 这位著名的领袖在年轻时就拥有强烈的冒险精神,使他得以成为成功的军队领袖。 |
短语 | dream come true |
中文释义 |
梦想成真 |
英文释义 |
A wildly unlikely fantasy or hope that is realized. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: For many people, being able to travel overseas is a dream come true. 对于很多人来说,到海外旅行的梦想已经实现了。 |