单词 |
machination |
中文释义 |
诡计(名词) |
英文释义 |
(noun) A complicated plan to obtain wealth, revenge or power illegally or unethically; an intrigue. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: The king suspected the machinations of his two evil sons. 国王怀疑他的两个逆子包藏祸心。 |
短语 | "hold your horses!" |
中文释义 |
别着急(非正式) |
英文释义 |
(INFORMAL) Command to stop and be patient before taking additional action. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: My children became excited when they heard we were going to the zoo, but I said "hold your horses!"and reminded them to finish their school homework first. 听到我们打算去动物园时,我的孩子激动起来。但是我说:“别着急!”提醒他们先把作业写完。 |