单词 | elude |
中文释义 |
1.逃避(及物动词);2.难倒(及物动词) |
英文释义 |
1. (transitive verb) To avoid capture or attention; to escape. 2. [transitive verb] To baffle; to not be understood or remembered. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE 1: By quickly changing his shirt and putting on sunglasses, the clever young thief was able to elude the police. 这个聪明的年轻小偷迅速更换衬衫,戴上墨镜,得以躲过警察。
EXAMPLE 2: The answer to the difficult question eluded researchers for many years. 寻找这个难题的答案难住了研究人员很多年。 |
短语 | smash hit |
中文释义 |
大获成功的演出 |
英文释义 |
A musical or theatrical performance that is extremely popular and successful. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: Within a week after it was first performed, the play was a smash hit that everyone in town wanted to see. 这出剧目首演后不到一周便大获成功,镇上的每个人都想去看。 |