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  • 2009/10/4Russia's king of crude
  • Lukoil, the country's largest independent company, has become the face of Russian business abroad. But can it be the next Exxon?[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:Barney Gimbel点击数:580
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——房屋所占土地的价值
  • EXAMPLE: Because its located in a fashionable neighborhood, I may buy my friends ugly old house because of its dirt value, and then later build a new home in its place.我的朋友的老房子样子很丑,但它地处时尚社区,我可能因为看中它的地块价值而买下它,以后在那地方盖一座新房子。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:549
  • 2016/5/16商务英语:今日热词——理性对待
  • EXAMPLE: My boss always keeps the fluctuations in our business in perspective and remains patient and thoughtful regardless of the situation.我的老板总是理性对待我们业务上的起伏,不管形势怎么样,始终保持耐心和周密的思考。[阅读全文]
  • 来源:财富作者:《财富》(中文版)点击数:509
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