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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《四川大学学报》 2012年第5期 谢和平 刘… 参加讨论

    【关键词】 煤炭 经济 依赖指数 coal economy dependence index
    【摘 要】 煤炭是我国的主导能源,经济发展对煤炭存在巨大的依赖性。检测这种依赖性的有效方式是确立一个比较直观的能够反映我国国民经济发展对煤炭依赖程度和变化趋势的参考指标,进而提出建立我国经济一煤炭依赖指数概念的想法,并对该指数的计算原理和方法进行阐述。以1985年为基础年,对近25年来我国经济一煤炭依赖指数及其变化趋势进行计算分析,可以为我国经济增长与能源需求之间的关系提供一个重要的观察视角。 As coal is one of the major energy sources in China, the national economic development ishighly dependent on coal production and consumption. One way to measure the degree of this dependence is toestablish a reference index that can reflect the relationship between China's economy and its coal industry.This paper goes on to put forward the idea of setting up a coal dependence index together with the methods forcalculation. In a case study, the quantitative results for this specific dependence index are presented for thelast two decades since 1985, providing another perspective to view the relationship between China's economicgrowth and its demand for energy sources.


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