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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《财经研究》2014年第3期52-62,共11页 李宏兵 赵… 参加讨论

    Does Market Potential Promote Female Employment in Manufacturing Industries? Empirical Study Based on the Data of Industrial Enterprises in China
    This paper first constructs real market potential index of 337 cities at prefec- ture level or above in China and empirically analyzes the effect of real market potential on fe male employment in manufacturing industries by the data of industrial enterprises in 2007 in China and instrumental variables method. It reaches the following conclusions: firstly, real market potential significantly promotes female employment in manufacturing industries, and even after the consideration of endogenous variables and the elimination of real market poten- tial of cities themselves, the regression results are still robust; secondly, the influence is in- consistent in different ownership and industries, namely real market potential is not benefi- cial to female employment in state-owned and foreign companies, but significantly promotes female employment in non-state-owned domestic enterprises and labor-intensive industries while it has no significant effects on capital and technology intensive industries.
    关 键 词:真实市场潜能 集聚 新经济地理学 女性就业
    real market potential agglomeration new economic geography femaleemployment
    分 类 号:F729
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