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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 杨善华 参加讨论

    摘要: 上世纪80年代中期开始的城市经济体制改革导致的社会变迁对城市家庭的影响,首先是从改变家庭的收入水平与收入格局、改变家庭成员的职业,及与此相连的家庭成员的社会地位以及改变家庭成员的价值观念开始的,进而影响到其他家庭功能、家庭关系和家庭结构。随着改革的深入,中国城市社会在转型期所发生的社会变迁确实给城市家庭带来了若干离散的因素,而这些因素也有可能导致城市家庭出现因凝聚力不如以往而导致的不稳定。因此,对城市家庭挑战的实质,是对中国家庭以往所具有的凝聚力的挑战,也即是对中国家庭能否成其为家庭的挑战。在这个层面讨论中国城市家庭所面临的新问题,我们可以看到基本上是两种因素或者说两种社会力量在影响着中国城市家庭的凝聚力。一种是中国传统的"家本位文化"及其主导的价值观,另一种是功利主义文化以及与此相连的个人本位的价值观。虽然随着中国社会向市场经济转型的日益深入,功利主义文化和个人本位的价值观也在拓展其影响,并且,这种影响在以"80后"、"90后"为代表的年青一代身上尤为明显,由此产生的两代人之间在价值与文化方面的代沟也有可能导致他们对"母家庭"的疏离,但是,由于与"家本位"文化相联系的"责任伦理"是向下倾斜的,因此随着年青一代步入婚龄并生儿育女,社会会教育他们,促使他们向家本位传统的回归。
    关键词: 社会变迁; 家本位文化; 家庭凝聚力
    The Change of Urban Families in Contemporary China and Family Cohesion
    Abstract: The social change brought about by the reform of urban economic system which started from the middle of 1980’s has made great impacts on urban families.Its first representation was the change in the level and pattern of family income,the change in the occupation and social status of family members,and the change in their view of values.Its further influence was on the function,relationship and structure of families.With the reform coming into depth,such social changes in China’s urban society brought some disperse factors to urban families,and these factors might lead to the instability of urban families because of weakened cohesion.So,the challenge which urban families are faced with is in essence a challenge to family cohesion.People wonder whether families can remain as they have been.We can find that there are basically only two factors or two kinds of social forces which are making impacts on the cohesion of urban families in China.Oneis the traditional family-based culture and the view of values it dominates,while the other is the utilitarianism culture with its relevant individual-based view of values.With the further transformation towards market economy,the utilitarianism culture and the individual-based view of values are also producing more influence.And we can find such influence by observing the younger generation who were born after 1980 or 1990.The gap between the older and younger generations in the respects of culture and values may lead to the younger generation’s dispersion from their original home.But because of the ethics of responsibility related to family-based culture,the younger generation will be educated by society and promoted to return to the family-based tradition,when they come to the age of marriage and birth.
    Keywords: social change; family-based culture; family cohesion

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