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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 马春华;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 本文以中国社会科学院社会学研究所2008年在广州、杭州、郑州、兰州和哈尔滨5个城市市辖区收集的城市居民的家庭数据为分析基础,以经过修正的发展的家庭现代化理论为理论起点,分析了最近十几年来中国城市家庭变迁的趋势,主要在婚姻成本、婚姻的独立性、妇女就业率与夫妻关系、核心家庭与亲属网络关系以及各个城市家庭变迁的独特性几个方面提出了我们的见解,着重指出在中国城市家庭变迁过程中,传统与现代因素之间不是对立的,而是相互融合,甚至相互补充的,在不同的情境下出现不同的组合,因此中国城市家庭的变迁模式和路径是多元的和多因素共同推进的。
    关键词: 家庭变迁; 传统; 现代; 城市;
    Family Change in Urban Areas of China:Main trends and latest findings
    Abstract: Based on the family survey data in urban areas of Guangzhou,Hangzhou, Zhengzhou,Lanzhou and Haerbin conducted by the Institute of Sociology of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2008,the article analyzes main trends of family change in urban areas of China with the revised modernization theory of family. It discusses the main trends and latest findings in marriage cost,independence in marriage,women labor participation rate and couple relationship,nuclear family and relative network,and difference of family change among five cities. It is concluded that during family change process,the traditional and modern factors are cooperating with and complementary to each other instead of opposite to each other. Therefore different group of traditional and modern factors result multiple approaches,models and driving forces of family change in urban areas of China.

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