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最低工资提升的劳动供给效应: 一个基于自然实验的经验研究

http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 贾朋;张… 参加讨论

    摘要: 本文以2005年和2006年之间中国各省市最低工资的提升作为一项自然实验,使用就业方程和工作时间方程控制个体异质性,应用"双重差分法"分析了最低工资提升的劳动供给效应。研究结果表明:最低工资提升对女性就业产生了显著的负面影响,对男性周工作时间产生了显著的正面影响;随着最低工资提升幅度的逐渐增大,其对女性就业的负面影响越来越大,对男性工作时间的正面影响也越来越大;当最低工资提升30%以上时,其对男性就业也产生了显著的负面影响。因此,为了保证最低工资在提高低技能劳动力工资水平的同时,不会对其劳动供给产生较大负面影响,最低工资提升应该是一个适度渐进的过程。
    关键词:最低工资; 劳动供给; 自然实验
    Labor Supply Effects of Minimum Wages Increase:A Natural Experiment Approach
    Abstract: In this paper,we consider minimum wages increase at provincial level between 2005 and 2006 as a natural experiment. By controlling for individual heterogeneity using employment function and working hours function,we study the labor supply effects of minimum wages increase using difference - in - differences method. The results show that minimum wages increase has significant negative impact on female employment while it has significant positive impact on male weekly working hours; with the gradual increase of minimum wages,its negative impact on female employment and positive impact on male working hours get larger; when minimum wages increase is above 30%,it also has negative impact on male employment. So,in order to ensure that labor supply is not greatly affected while wage level is effectively increased for less - skilled workers,the increase of minimum wages should be an appropriate and progressive process.
    Keywords: Minimum Wage; Labor Supply; Natural Experiment

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