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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 田雪原 参加讨论

    摘要:要建设和发展好秦岭经济圈,就必须坚持依靠人力资本驱动,跨越中等收入陷阱; 坚持统筹城乡发展,跨越城市化陷阱; 坚持环境保护先行,跨越生态陷阱,真正走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的现代文明发展之路。文章所倡导的秦岭经济圈开发和发展原则策略,对有效促进西部大开发乃至全国的经济社会发展具有重要战略意义和科学指导价值。
    关键词:秦岭经济圈; 发展道路; 人力资本驱动; 统筹城乡; 环境保护
    On Leapfrogging Development of the Qinling Economic Circle
    Abstract: To soundly construct and develop the Qinling economic circle,human capital driven must be persevered to leap over the middle income trap,balancing urban and rural development must be persevered to leap over the urbanization trap,and environmental protection ahead must be persevered to leap over the ecological trap for a path of civilized development featuring a thriving economy,an affluent life and a sound eco-system. The development principles and strategies for the Qinling economic circle proposed in this paper are of strategic significance and scientific guiding values for effective promotion of western development and even of the economic and social development for the whole country.
    Keywords: Qinling economic circle; path of development; human capital driven; balancing urban and rural development; environmental protection

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