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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王广州 参加讨论

    Preliminary Study on the Effect of Changing the One-child Policy on the Birth Population Size of Beijing
    Abstract: Based on the analysis of the TFR,ever born children structure,ratio of one-child,marriage pattern,migration population and birth desire,this paper has studied on the effect of changing the one-child policy on the birth population size of Beijing. The effect of the release rural “single child”family is very limited. All“single child”couple with Beijing HUKOU can have two children policy will bring 10 thousand to 20 thousand more birth before 2020 for each year compare to not change the policy. The extra increased population size for each year is much smaller than the increase of the migration population.
    Keywords: birth policy; fertility level; birth population size; release“single child”policy
    文章出处:北京社会科学, 2011年第3期

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