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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 郑真真;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 本文根据 1990年中国人口普查 1%抽样数据 ,详细描述了 10~ 18岁青少年就学情况 ,提供了该年龄段人口分城乡、性别、年龄的在校率 ,并比较了按父母文化程度和家庭规模划分的青少年的在校率。以县和个人为基本单位的多因素分析结果均显示 ,居住地和性别与在校与否高度相关。农村女性在就学方面处于最不利的地位 ,最容易受各种因素的影响。
    关键词: 就学; 影响因素; 性别差距
    Determinants of Primary and Middle School Enrollment of 10-18 Year Olds in China
    Abstract: This paper provides a description of school enrollment in China using a 1% sample from the 1990 National Census.A detailed portrait of enrollment rates is provided,comparing rural and urban rates for boys and girls at various ages.Comparisons are also made to potential covariates such as parental education and family size.The multivariate analysis is done at both the county and individual level,for boys and girls separately.Location of residence and sex are shown to be highly correlated with enrollment,with rural girls being especially disadvantaged and most likely to be affected by some factors.
    Key words: school enrollment; determinants; gender inequity

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