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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王跃生 参加讨论

    摘要: 本文对个体家庭、网络家庭和亲属圈家庭的构成方式、相互关系和变动特征进行了探讨。根据本项研究,近代之前传统时期具有抚幼养老功能的个体家庭受到官方和民间重视和推崇;父母在世时兄弟分家被抑制,网络家庭成长空间被挤压;亲属圈家庭是个体家庭获取社会资源的基础和主要的求助对象。近代以来,特别是解放以后,个体家庭的抚幼养老功能被分解;多子家庭亲子分爨形成网络家庭占据主导地位,养老责任由子代单元家庭分担,"家内"养老被"家际"养老所取代;亲属圈家庭对个体家庭的维系作用降低。当代社会,现代法律制度为双系网络家庭的产生创造了制度环境,人口控制政策下独生子女家庭大幅度增加是其产生的生物基础,城市化则成为双系网络家庭发展的推动力量;亲属圈由于已婚女儿与娘家构成网络家庭而削弱,并在部分两代及以上均为独生子女的家庭中趋于消失。
    关键词:个体家庭; 网络家庭; 亲属圈家庭
    Abstract: This paper discusses the composition,mutual relationship,and changing characteristics of individual family,network family,and kinship circle family. According to this study,individual family with the functions of rearing the young and supporting the old had been cherished and sanctified by the government and people alike in traditional society in the traditional era. Family division among brothers when their parents were still around was suppressed,leaving little chance for the development of network family. Kinship circle family was the main social network an individual family would resort to for social resources or in time of difficulty. In modern times,especially after Liberation,the individual family’s functions of child rearing and elderly supporting have been decomposed. With more and more families having two or more married sons splitting up,network families gradually arose and came into dominance. The original obligations of supporting the elderly are now shared by the individual cell families in the network family. In other words,the "within-family"mode of elderly supporting is now replaced by the "between-family"mode. The kinship circle family,which used to keep the individual family intact,is in the decline. Modern legal system has created the institutional environment for the growth of dual-lineage network families. In particular,birth control under the one-child policy necessarily results in large numbers of dual-lineage families,and urbanization has been their driving force. Kinship circle family has been further weakened as married daughters and their families become part of the network family. In fact,in the families that have two one-child generations,kinship circle family tends to disappear.
    Keywords: individual family; network family; kinship circle family

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