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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王跃生 参加讨论56

    摘要: 单亲家庭是中国当代的重要家庭形式。1982年以来单亲家庭在家庭总数中所占比例呈下降趋势。这主要是因为政策性限制所造成的夫妇两地分居现象减少。在单亲家庭内部,亲代分居两地所形成的单亲家庭始终占多数,丧偶居第二,离婚居第三,未婚最小。2000年与1982年相比,离婚所形成的单亲家庭增加明显。中国当代的单亲家庭绝大多数是女性单亲家庭。这是因为亲代一方缺位是经济性和户籍控制型缺位(男性离家出外工作),而不是婚姻关系中止型缺位(丧偶)或婚姻解体型缺位(离婚)。男性在经济活动中的主导地位和女性在养育子女中所承担的责任较重是形成这种局面的主要原因。相对夫妇均在户内家庭的女性,单亲家庭有偶女性的生育水平较低。
    关键词: 女性单亲家庭; 核心家庭; 三个时期; 亲代; 年龄组; 中国农村; 女性受教育程度; 男性; 离婚; 丧偶
    An Analysis of Single Parent Families in Contemporary Rural China
    Abstract: Single parent families (SPFs) are an important form of family institution. The number of SPFs has been declining since 1982. This is mainly due to a decline in the phenomena of spouses living separately due to job allotments under a planned economy. Among all SPFs, the predominant proportion was this form of spouses living separately due to job allotment. Widows and widowers ranked 2nd, divorcees ranked 3rd, and the unmarried ranked 4th. The proportion of divorce-led SPFs increased dramatically between 1982 and 2000. In contemporary China, most SPFs are female led. This is because the SPF is mainly caused by economic and household registration control (e.g. the male spouse going out to work in a different locality), rather than by the termination of family relations because of death, or by the break up of the family because of divorce.

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