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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王跃生 参加讨论

    摘要: 本文主要依据中国第一历史档案馆所藏乾隆朝刑科题本婚姻家庭类档案中收集的个案资料 ,对 18世纪中后期中国的婚姻行为包括初婚年龄、离婚表现和再婚状况做了初步分析。研究结论表明 ,在当时社会 ,女性早婚是比较普遍的现象 ,男性中早婚和晚婚两种现象并存 ;离婚是人们尽可能避免的 ,离婚中 ,丈夫休妻和嫁卖妻子为主流 ;丧偶妇女再婚和守节并存 ,中青年丧偶妇女再婚比例较高 ,但守节也有一定比例。
    关键词:婚姻行为; 初婚年龄; 离婚; 再婚
    An Analysis of Marriage during the Mid Qing Dynasty
    Abstract: This article is based on cases recorded in dossiers in the First Historical Archive on marriage and the family during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor. In this preliminary analysis of marriage practices in the mid late 18th century, the author examines the age at first marriage, divorce and remarriage. The author concludes that early marriage was popular with females; males married both early and late; every attempt was made to avoid divorce, but once divorce became inevitable, wives were sent home or sold by their husband; remarriage was popular with females, especially young and middle aged widows, but a certain percentage of widows preferred not to marry again.
    Keywords: marriage practices;age at first marriage;divorce;widow;remarriag

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