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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王美艳;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 运用人口普查和人口抽样调查数据,研究1990年以来各民族人口教育发展状况,考察7~16岁儿童在校率的影响因素。在实证分析的基础上,针对如何促进少数民族人口的教育发展提出政策建议。研究发现,在过去几十年中,少数民族与汉族人口的教育都取得了长足发展。少数民族人口中,未受过初中教育的人口比例高于汉族。不论对少数民族还是汉族,与城镇地区相比,乡村地区初中教育的缺失更加严重。在城镇地区,少数民族与汉族7~16岁儿童在校率相差很少,但在乡村地区仍然存在一些差距。在考虑了地区影响因素后,少数民族与汉族儿童的在校概率差异或者缩小,或者消失,只有满族除外。
    关键词: 民族; 教育发展; 在校率
    The Education Development of All Ethnic Groups in China since 1990:An Analysis of Census and Population Survey Data
    Abstract: This paper describes the education development of all ethnic groups in China since 1990 and investigates the factors which affect the enrollment rates among 7 to 16 year-olds,using census and population sample survey data.Based on the empirical results,the paper puts forward some policy suggestions on how to promote the education development of minority populations further.Results show that both minority and Han populations have achieved significant improvements in educational attainment in recent decades.The percent of the youth population with less than a junior high school attainment among minorities is much higher than that among the Han population.The exclusion from junior high school is much greater in rural areas than in urban areas for both minority and Han populations.Ethnic differences in enrollment rates among 7 to 16 year-olds are very small in urban areas,but persist in rural areas.Ethnic differences in enrollment among 7-16 year-olds shrink or disappear after controlling for geographic differences,with only the advantaged Manchu population being an exception.
    Key words: ethnic group; education development; enrollment rate

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