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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 屈小博;… 参加讨论

    关键词:农民工 教育 培训 人力资本回报
    Human Capital Accumulation of Rural Migrants: Education, Training and Returns
    Abstract: To improve human capital accumulation and return is an important factor of upgrading industry and increasing TFP after China has entered into mid-income stage. Using rural migrants’ survey data from State Statistical Bureau, this paper has empirically analyzed education, training and returns of rural migrants, as well as relationship between human capital returns of rural migrants and productivity. Results from Statistical and regression show human capital return of rural migrant accord with mechanism with market allocating labor resources. Rural migrants possessing comparatively higher level of human capital distribute and flow to industry, occupation and region with comparatively higher productivity. Therefore, increasing human capital accumulation is an important policy implication for coping with challenges after Lewis turning point.
    Key words: Rural Migrants; Education and Training; Human Capital Returns

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