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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 都阳;王… 参加讨论

    摘要: 教育资源的有效配置应该与受教育者在劳动力市场上的经济绩效结合起来才能更  有效地利用经济资源。由于财政分权化程度的提高和即将推行的农村税费改革 ,农村义  务教育的投资体制面临着挑战。在这种情况下 ,更有效地配置教育资源以使受教育者在  劳动力市场上获得更大的收益 ,具有帕累托改进的意义。本文通过对不同形式的认知能  力对农村劳动力的市场绩效的影响以及不同阶段的教育对劳动力的市场绩效的贡献进行  实证研究 ,提出了改善贫困地区教育资源配置的方法与途径。
    关键词: 认知能力; 绩效; 教育资源配置
    Cognitive Ability, Education and Performance on the Labor Market——Significance to Rural Compulsory Educational System
    Abstract: This paper empirically studies the impacts of various cognitive abilities of rural labor forces on their labor market returns. In addition, the contributions of different stages of education are also analyzed. The way improving the educational resource allocat ion of poor areas is suggested. The methodolog y in this art icle is applicable to study ing how to reform the current Chinese educational system in order to make it conforming to economic development .

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