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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张车伟;… 参加讨论

    关键词: 代际差异  老龄化 不平等
    Aging,Intergenerational Differences and Inequality
    Abstract:Theoretically, the income or consumption inequality will increase with age by a fixed cohort; but in China, the younger faces higher inequality than the older. This article analysis the impact of demographic dynamics and cohort effect on the inequality, on the perspective of personal income or wealth linked with the social development. Using urban household income and expenditure survey data, the results show: the income and consumption inequality is increasing with age by a fixed cohort in the fact; however, cohort effect contributes more on the rising inequality. During 2003-2009, there are 59.23% caused by cohort effects. When the intra-generational income gap is caused by the market, individual efforts, endowments dispersion, what implies the adjustment of intra-generational income gap will be more efficient than the adjustment of income inequality intra-cohort, for the policy and economic environment as exogenous factors. In order to narrow the income gap, the government should be more concerned about the future impact of intergenerational disparity, and using property tax and other direct taxes policy to narrow the income gap among cohorts.
    Keywords:intergenerational disparity; aging; inequality
    JEL Classification:D63  I30  J19 

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