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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张车伟 参加讨论

    Changes of Employment Pattern and Its Problems in China
    Abstract: In the course of development, two transitions in employment pattern generally take place: one is the transition from dominance of agricultural employment to dominance of non-agricultural employment; and the other is the transition from dominance of self-employment to dominance of waged-employment. If the two processes are coordinated each other, the development will be smooth, and otherwise it will be a problem. Based on the observation on the change of employment pattern in China, this study finds that the trend towards non-agricultural employment is faster than that towards waged-employment, which suggests that a large number of rural migrants have not been employed as waged-workers, and their employment status of self-employment have just changed from agriculture to non-agricultural sectors. This is a severe problem existing in China’s employment, and needs to be addressed in the course of development. 

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