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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 陈秋霖 参加讨论

    The Impact of Public Healthcare Financing on Health Outcomes:Evidence from Cross-country Panel Data
    Chen Qiulin
    (Institute of Population and Labor Economics,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
    Abstract: The ultimate goal of healthcare system is to maintain and promote the health of the people,so the impacts on health outcomes are the fundamental measures to evaluate healthcare system.Financing mechanism,especially the division of financing responsibility between public and private,is the basic feature of a healthcare system.This article aims to study how public healthcare financing affects the health outcomes,using cross-country panel data of upper-high and high countries from 1995 to 2007.Empirical study verified the following hypothesis:Public financing is superior to private financing in improving health status in terms of population life expectancyMeanwhile,as a government-led healthcare financing mechanism,public healthcare financing system may be affected by government behaviors.This paper also found that,more government health expenditure produces better health outcomes.Political decentralization is not key to influence health outcomes,while the consistency of local political leaders'interests with local residents' interest,as well as the balance of financial power and duties on public good provision,can improve health outcomes.
    Keywords:public healthcare financing, private healthcare financing, government incentive, health outcome
    JEL Classifications:I12, I13, H51

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