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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王德文 参加讨论

    摘要: 我国“十五”计划期间社会保障体制改革取得了重大进展。城市初步建立了一个社会统筹与个人账户相结合的社会保障体系。“十一五”规划期间,我国将着力推进医疗保障体制改革和农村社会保障体系建设。在完善社会保障体系过程中,需要从扩大社会保障体系覆盖面、增加财政投入、提高社会保障体系监管水平,以及做好农村社会保障体系建设整体规划等方面着手,解决社会保障体系建设所面临的若干深层次问题,从而实现社会保障体系可持续发展。
    关键词: “十一五规划”; 社会保障发展目标; 城市社会保障体制; 农村社会保障体制
    An Outlook of Social Security System Reform in China’s 11th Five-Year Plan Period
    Abstract: China has made remarkable progress in reforming its social security systems during the 10th Five-Year Plan period.In urban areas,a basic social security system than combines social pooling account and individual account was basically set up.In the 11th five-year plan,China will make effor to reform its health and medical systems,and start to establish a social security system in rural area.In order to speed up this process,a package of policy measures that include extending social security coverage,increasing financial investment,enhancing monitoring and management of social security systems and making out a blueprint for rural social security system,should be taken to solve several intrinsic issues and maintain its sustainability.
    Keywords: 11th Five-Year Plan; Goals of Social Security Development; Urban Social Security System and Rural Social Security System
    文章出处:开放导报,2007 年第3期

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