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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 刘铠豪;… 参加讨论

    关键词:少儿抚养比 老年抚养比 性别比 居民消费需求
    The Theory Mechanism and Empirical Analysis of Chinese Residents Consumption Growth:An Explanation from Demographic Changes
    Abstract: China has been committed to expanding consumption demand in recent years,but its still insufficient,what are the reasons? This paper constructed an overall consumption demand model by extending Diamond overlappinggenerations model,and investigated the impacts of demographic changes on consumption demand. The results of empirical analysis on Chinese provinces panel data from 1989 to 2012 revealed that childrens dependency ratio had a significant positive effect on residents consumption in our country,while elderly dependency ratio had a significant negative effect on residents consumption.Sex ratio introduced by this paper had a significant negative effect on residents consumption. Age structure of population had a partial effect on consumption,while sex structure of population didnt have. And the results also showed that current per capita income and income growth positively correlated with residents consumption,while interest rate negatively correlated with residents consumption. This paper conducted robustness test specifically for interference policy and dual pension scheme,and the results showed that government bailout was not an effective way to expand consumption demand.Dual pension scheme had a significant negative impact on residents consumption,and the negative effect caused by sex ratio parts from dual pension scheme.The conclusion of this paper was the new feature of the coexistence of “fewgenerating”,“aging” and “male excess”in demographic changes in China was one of important reasons why the consumption demand was always not insufficient.
    Keywords: child dependency ratio,aged dependency ratio,sex ratio,residents consumption demand
    JEL Classification: J18,E21,J11,J16

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