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[文萃]丁慧 等:社交媒体、投资者信息获取和解读能力与盈余预期

http://www.newdu.com 2018/4/13 《经济研究》2018年第1期 丁慧 吕长… 参加讨论

    关键词:社交媒体 信息获取和解读 盈余预期 市场效率
    Social Media,Investor Sophistication and Earning Expectation:Evidence from SSE E Interaction
    DING Hui(a),LYU Changjiang(a) and HUANG Haijie(b)
    (a.Fudan University; b.East China Normal University)
    Summary:Investor sophistication is defined as how smart investors can be in the process of information acquisition and interpretation (Tan et al., 2014; Kalay, 2015). Information technology is changing the process of investors’ information acquisition and interpretation and thus can change the corresponding smartness of the investors. Therefore,research on how market efficiency is influenced by the change in investor sophistication due to information technology is considerably important for academia and policy.
    SSE E Interaction,a Chinese security themed social media platform operated and regulated by the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE),is aimed at facilitating the process of investors’ information acquisition and interpretation by allowing online interaction between investors and the listed firms. This online interaction is organized such that investors ask the listed firms questions and the SSE asks the listed firms to answer these questions according to their disclosed information. According to the SSE requests,a listed firm has the obligation to answer the questions from investors on the SSE E Interaction,and the answers of the listed firms should not contain any private information or false information.
    Here,we studied how the accuracy of the market earnings expectation is influenced by the change in investor sophistication due to information technology,which is proxied by the online interactions on SSE E Interaction. Two competing theories may be related to the market consequence of investor sophistication. The market efficiency hypothesis (Fama,1998) argues that market prices fully reflect all publicly available information. Conditional on this hypothesis,the improvement of investor sophistication makes no difference to market efficiency. In contrast,the incomplete revelation hypothesis (Bloomfield,2002) asserts that statistics that are more costly to extract from public data are less completely revealed in market prices. Conditional on this hypothesis,the improvement of investor sophistication can speed up the incorporation of information into prices.
    In this study,we found that when there were more words in the listed firms’ answers on SSE E Interaction,the market earnings expectation was more accurate,and the effect was more pronounced when the institutional ownership was lower. We also found that when there were more words in the listed firms’ answers on SSE E Interaction,the information asymmetry was lower during the earnings announcements. Our findings suggest that the market efficiency can be improved by the investor sophistication improvement due to information technology. Our findings are robust to different measurements of the interactions of the listed firms,different earnings expectation models,and different measurements of information asymmetry during the earnings announcements. One endogenous problem of this study lies in the incentive issues of the listed firms’ interactions. The market efficiency may be improved by the incentive issues of the listed firms’ interactions rather than by the interactions themselves. To solve this endogenous problem,we provide evidence that disclosure quality has no correlation with the listed firms’ online answers. The problem of endogeneity is a limitation of this study,as we did not filter out other potential incentive issues related to the listed firms’ answers.
    This study mainly makes the following contributions. First,our study shed light on the potential limitation of the efficient market hypothesis with the empirical evidence that the market efficiency could be improved by the improvement of investor sophistication due to information technology. Second,in our study of investor sophistication,we use the online interaction of social media as a proxy for investor sophistication improvement due to information technology,which provides more details of the information acquisition and interpretation process than the traditional proxy of institutional ownership. Third,by illustrating how information technology has changed the information environment of the capital market,we provide empirical evidence that information technology can facilitate the information acquisition and interpretation of investors through online interactions.
    Keywords:Social Media; Investor Sophistication; Earnings Expectation; Market Efficiency
    期刊责任编辑:陈辉  校对:曹帅

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Tags:文萃丁慧 等,社交媒体、投资者信息获取和解读能力与盈余预期  
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