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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《财经研究》2014年第1期116-124,144共10页 易棉阳[1… 参加讨论

    A Comparison of Two Financial Regulatory Systems in Modern China:From the Perspective of Transaction Costs
    In period of the modern China, there were two financial regulatory systems, namely the market-oriented regulatory system during the period of Beijing government and administration-oriented regulatory system during the period of the Nanjing national government. Under the mode of market-oriented regulatory system, because of a lack of government supervision, Chinese finan cial industry was featured by great development and big chaos which led to high transaction costs and hindered the healthy development of financial industry. After the Nanjing national government came in- to power, it established the administration-oriented regulatory system through mandatory institutional changes. And under the mode of administration-oriented regulatory system, governments, instead of market, became the subject of financial regulation, government decrees replacing trade laws and regula- tions were the main basis of financial regulation and government intervention reduced transaction costs, leading to an end of the long-term chaotic pattern of financial industry in modern China before the out- break of Anti-Japanese War.
    关 键 词:近代中国 市场化金融监管制度 行政化金融监管制度 交易费用
    modern China market-oriented financial regulatory system administration-oriented fi-nancial regulatory system transaction cost
    分 类 号:F129
    [4]Y·巴泽尔 费方域等(译).《产权的经济分析》[M].上海三联书店、上海人民出版社,1997..

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