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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/27 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王磊 参加讨论

    摘要:  文章结合2002年全国居民生育意愿调查及河南省农村居民数据分析结果,应用2009年末豫西农村田野调查中的质性访谈材料,研究中原地区深山村、丘陵村和平原村这三类农村中青年农民的生育观念。研究发现,受外出务工经历的深刻影响,青年农民的生育观念徘徊在传统与现代的交界。在城市务工时,受城市现代生活氛围熏陶,生育观念偏重考虑自身个体和小家庭的发展;在农村家乡时,重新受到传统生活环境的浸润和村落家庭生活竞争观念的熏陶,生育观念回归传统。
    关键词:  生育观念; 农民; 青年; 中原
    The Reproductive Ideology of Young Peasants in Central Plains——based on Yuxi Fieldwork
    Abstract: An analysis is made on the reproductive ideology of young peasants in Central Plains based on both 2002 survey conducted by National Family Planning Committee and 2009 fieldwork conducted by author in three villages of Yuxi which is located in west Henan Province. The result shows that in the process of urbanization and rural - urban migration,young peasants change their reproductive ideology when they live in cities and their ideology regress when they come back to villages where they were living.
    Key words: reproductive ideology; young peasants; central plains

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