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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/27 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王广州 参加讨论

    摘要: 文章以全国人口普查原始数据为基础,通过建立分孩次递进生育模型,重构20世纪70年代以来中国育龄妇女递进生育水平和生育模式连续变化的历史过程,分析中国生育转变的基本特点,以期为深入研究中国生育问题和规律奠定基础。
    关键词: 总和递进生育率; 递进生育模式; 生育史
    Research on Period Parity Progression Fertility History of Chinese Women Since the 1970s
    Abstract: Based on the raw data of population census, by setting up the parity progression fertility model, reconstructing the history of parity progression fertility level and parity progression fertility pattern of Chinese women since the 1970s, and analyzing the basic characteristics of Chinese fertility transition, this paper tries to provide a preliminary foundation for the further research on fertility and its trend in China.

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