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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/27 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王广州 参加讨论

    摘要: 以人口普查汇总数据为基础,将人口分析方法与遗传优化建模方法相结合,提出人口与计划生育目标规划可行性分析方法。以人口普查汇总数据为例展示人口与计划生育目标规划可行性分析方法计算与分析过程。
    关键词: 目标规划; 可行性分析; 遗传算法; 总和生育率
    On the Feasibility Analysis Method and Application of Goal Planning of Population and Family Planning
    Abstract: This paper based on the tabulation data of census combining the demographic analysis methods with genetic algorithms to discuss about the new method of goal planning of population and family planning. Taking the population census data as an example, this paper demonstrated the process and steps for the calculation process.
    Key words: goal planning; feasibility analysis; genetic algorithms; age - specific fertility rate

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