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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 吴文恒;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 文章用单位人和概念模型研究1957~2005年中国人口数量增长与消费水平提高对资源环境影响的相对状况。结果表明,2005年1个人对资源环境的压力相当于20世纪50年代6~7个人的影响;1980年以前人口数量增长是影响资源环境的主导因素,1980年以来则是消费水平提高;消费水平提高对资源环境压力的贡献率先降后升,且1980年以后稳定在45%左右;人口数量增长对资源环境压力的贡献率先升后降,并一直减至2005年的8.22%。
    关键词: 人口; 消费水平; 资源环境; 单位人; 中国
    A Comparative Study on the Impact of Population Growth and Consumption Increase on China’s Resource-environment
    Abstract: Using unitperson method and constructed consumption model,this paper studies the impact of population growth and consumption increase on the resource-environment in the period of 1957 to 2005.The results show that population growth was the dominant factor of the resource-environment before 1980, while the increase of consumption level has become the dominant factor of the resource-environment since 1980.To the whole pressure on resource-environment,the percentage of resource-environment pressure induced by the increase of the consumption initially fell and then rose,and kept 45% or so after 1980;in the meantime,the percentage induced by the population growth initially rose and then fell,and decreased to 8.22% .

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