摘要: 人口问题是相对的,不是绝对的,中国的人口问题也不单纯是数量问题。可持续发展与协调发展是相互涵盖的,但侧重点有所不同。人口问题不全是人口因素造成的,因此,解决人口问题也不能仅从人口因素入手。人口控制不能单纯以经济发展为目的,以人的全面发展为中心,改善人的福利,提高人们的生活质量是可持续发展的最终目标。人口问题属于国家级问题,必须由国家出面,用“看得见的手”去解决。可持续发展和社会主义初级阶段理论将成为现阶段中国计划生育的新的理论依据。
关键词: 中国人口问题; “可持续性”; 人口与可持续发展; 计划生育工作; 人的全面发展; 经济增长; 协调发展; 人口与环境; 控制人口增长; 人口素质;
Some Considerations on Population and Sustainable Development in China
Abstract: Population problems are the relative rather than absolute ones, and China’s population problems are not merely the quantitative ones. The concept of sustainable developnent and that of coordinated development are overlapping while with different emphasis. Population problems are not exclusively resulted from demographic factors, hence can not be dealt with only through demographic approaches. Population control must not be solely for the purpose of e-conomic development, and sustainable development should be human-centered, with the purpose of improving human welfare and enhancing life quality of people. Population problems are those at the country level, hence must be dealt with by the country’s government with a "visible hand". Sustainable development and the socialist preliminary stage theory are the new theoretical basis of the current family planning in China.