摘要: 基于全国五大城市1216名已婚青年的调查资料,对目前城市青年家庭的不同婚配类型与夫妻关系之间的关联性进行探讨。研究结果表明,不同年龄匹配类型、不同文化程度匹配类型,以及不同收入水平匹配类型三个方面与青年家庭的夫妻关系状况无关;而不同城乡背景匹配类型、不同独生子女身份匹配类型两方面则与青年家庭的夫妻关系状况有关。研究揭示出,改革开放背景中成长的一代青年在个体特征上更具同质性,对他们的夫妻关系真正产生影响的因素,主要是他们在社会特征上的差别。今后的夫妻关系研究,在测量指标方面增加心理量表的内容或许是一个新的方向。
关键词: 青年; 婚配类型; 夫妻关系
The Match Types of Married Young People and Their Husband-Wife-Relation——A Survey of 1216 Married Young People from Five Big Cities
Abstract: Based on a survey of 1216 married young people from five big cities all over the country,the paper discussed the relation of the match types of married young people and their husband-wife-relation.The result shows that the different match types on age,education,and income,are not related with the husband-wife-relation.Whereas the different match types on urban-rural background and on whether they are only-child or not,are related with their husband-wife-relation.The paper also post that the young generation grown in the background of reform and opening has more homogeneity in their individual characters,and the main influence factor on husband-wife-relation is the differences in their social characters.At the same time,adding Psychological measurement may be a new way to study husband-wife-relation.
Keywords: Young People; Match Types of Marriage; Husband-wife-relation