摘要: 利用2008年河北农村家庭生命周期与代际关系调查数据,分析当前河北农村60岁及以上老年人子女的教育投入与老年人获取的来自子女的养老回报的影响因素。河北农村老年人子女的受教育程度多为小学、初中水平,且存在性别、年龄别和地区差异。来自子女教育投入的养老回报主要体现在经济支持方面,子女受教育程度越高,对父母的经济支持越大。父母对子女的教育投入越多得到的回报越高,体现了家庭中亲子抚养与赡养关系具有一定的互惠交换特征。
关键词: 农村; 教育; 养老
Children’s Education and the Family Support of the Elderly:Results from the Survey of the Rural Elderly in Hebei Province Abstract: Using data from the survey conducted by Institute of Population and Labor Economics,China Academy of Social Science in Hebei Province in October 2008,this paper analyzes the status of the children’s education of the elderly whose age are all above 60.The determinants of the family support of the rural elderly are also be analyzed.The results reveal that most children have the education with elementary and junior high school.And the children’s educations have the differences on gender,age,and region.The return from the children is mainly the financial support.The high of the education of the children,the greater the financial support provided for the elderly.The result reflects that there are the mutually beneficial relations among children and the parents.
Keywords: rural areas; education; family support
全文阅读 文章出处:人口与发展,2011年第1期