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家安何处: 当代城市青年的居住理想与居住现实

http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 风笑天 参加讨论

    摘要: 城市青年住房问题及其相关现象在新世纪的第一个十年中引起社会的广泛关注,弄清这些问题已成为目前学术界以及政府决策部门正确认识和合理解决城市住房问题所面临的一项重要任务。调查分析发现,未婚青年对婚后的居住意愿以小家单独居住为主,其比例高达85%以上;已婚青年实际单独居住的比例则在50%-60%之间,比未婚青年的意愿比例低30%左右,这反映出青年的主观愿望与他们所能达到的客观现实之间尚存在明显的差距。中心大城市青年婚后小家单独居住的比例明显低于普通中小城市,这在一定程度上折射出大城市高房价的影响。对于如何解决婚后住房问题,未婚青年的意愿相对多元化,大约三分之一的青年表示需要依靠父母的经济支持来解决,而已婚且单独居住的青年实际购买住房的比例则接近50%。
    关键词: 城市青年; 住房; 居住意愿; 居住现状
    Dream vs.Reality: An Analysis of Urban Young Adults’ Housing Issues
    Abstract: The housing issues of the urban youths and the like used to arouse great social concern in the first decade of the present century.It has been a very important task for the academic community and the policy-makers to elaborate on these issues to find a solution.Surveys among unwed youths find that 85% of them intend to live by their own after marriage,while,in reality,only 50%-60% of newly-weds do live independently in their own houses.This indicates that there is a big gap between the reality and what is dreamt for.It is a tendency that more newly-weds live with their parents in metropolises than in satellite cities as a result of the higher estate prices in bigger cities.One third of the unmarried people make it clear that they are going to seek financial support from their parents.Almost 50% of the newly-weds are now living in their own purchased houses.

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