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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 徐安琪 参加讨论

    摘要: 本研究使用对上海和兰州城乡2200个样本的抽样调查资料,从观念和行为两个层面对终身婚姻的态度进行描述。研究结果显示,尽管婚姻的不可离异性已不再为社会广泛认同,但多数人仍对离婚的负面后果表示担忧。加上人们普遍认同幸福婚姻对人生的重要意义,主流社会仍推崇白头偕老的核心价值,婚姻的神圣性、持久性仍为大多数人所敬畏、信奉,同时也是现实世界的一个无可争辩事实,而并非是新世纪的一个神话。青年人对终身婚姻失去信心和耐心的推测未被证实。回归分析验证了白头偕老的价值观对婚姻质量及其稳定性的正向作用。
    关键词: 终身婚姻; 理想; 现实; 代际比较; 影响因素; 经验研究
    Husband and Wife Living Together Forever:A Fairytale in the New Century?——A comparative research on attitudes towards lifelong marriage in generations
    Abstract: Based on a survey data of 2200 samples from rural and urban areas in Shanghai and Lanzhou,this article tries to describe the attitudes towards lifelong marriage from both perspectives of value and behavior.The findings show that divorce is now acceptable in China.However,most people worry about the negative consequences of divorce.It is widely recognized that a happy marriage is very important to ordinary life.The mainstream of the society still treasures the core values of lifelong marriage.Most people believe in the sanctity and persistent of marriage.Husbands and waives living together for good is the reality rather than a fairytale in the new century.The assumption that young people loss confidence in lifelong marriage is not proved.The regression analysis finds that the value of lifelong marriage has a positive effect on the quality and stability of marriage.
    Keywords: Lifelong Marriage; Ideal; Reality; Comparison of Generations; Influential Factors

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