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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 郑真真 参加讨论

    摘要: 1998年中国高龄老人健康长寿调查数据显示 ,高龄老人中有 92 3%女性和 5 8 4 %男性的婚姻状况为丧偶。女性高龄老人不仅丧偶比例在各个年龄组都高于男性 ,且曾经再婚的比例也大大低于同龄的男性老人。初婚丧偶发生在 6 0岁以后的老年人中 ,男性的再婚比例为 2 3% ,女性为 0 5 %。同时 ,各年龄组高龄老人的丧偶时期平均值也存在着显著的男女差别 ,女性的丧偶年数比男性老人长。
    Gender Analysis of Widowhood and Remarriage among Oldest Old in China
    Abstract: According to the data collected in 1998 Healthy and Longevity Survey among people aged 80~105 in China, 92.3% oldest old women were widows and 58.4% of men were widowers. Not only the proportion of widows was higher than that of widowers in each age group, but also women’s remarriage possibility was much lower than men of same age. Among those who lost spouses after age 60, the remarriage rate was 2.3% for men and 0.5% for women. Women had significantly longer period of widowhood than that of men in average.

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