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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张展新;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 卷入高速城市化进程的村委会型社区正在从农村社区开始转变成为与居委会型社区并列的城市社区。村委会型社区同时保留了一些农村社区的体制遗产,主要是排他性的农村集体经济、福利制度和个人住房制度。这样,在流动人口聚集的村委会型社区中,形成了不同于居委会型社区的本地人口与外来人口之间的分割与分层。这意味着,由于村委会型社区的出现,中国城市社会正在从单一的城乡分割式“本地-外来”二元结构向“双二元”结构转换。
    关键词: 城市化; 村委会型社区; 社区格局重组; 双二元结
    Reshaping of Urban Communities and the Social Stratification in Communities of Migrant Population
    Abstract: Urbanization is not limited to the spatial expansion of the urban areas and the Increase in number of cities, it is associated with the change of urban structure. The present text made a study on social stratification in communities with migrant population in 5 cities Including Beijing. The findings are that the population structure in urban areas is transforming from the rural-urban segmentation duality to double duality. So it is necessary to promote the marginal migrant population to converge with the mainstream by improving their employment, social welfare and their living conditions in the communities.

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