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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 魏晓林;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 基于最新的研究动向与成果,按照区域分割和城乡分割相结合的双重视角,探讨外来农业人口、外来城市人口、本地农业人口和本地城市人口在卫生服务利用上的差异。城乡分割主要是"遗产性"的影响,表现为外来人口内部的农业(户籍)人口与非农业(户籍)人口在流入地卫生服务利用上的差距;区域分割的影响显著,表现为两个外来人口群体与本地人口之间在获取城市卫生服务上的差距。外来农业人口受区域分割和城乡分割的双重影响,处于研究群体的最底层,使用私人诊所和在家接生的概率最大。
    关键词: 外来人口; 卫生服务; 城乡分割; 区域分割;
    Urban Migrants’ Status of Household Registration and Their Utilization of Health Services——Evidence from Guandu District,Kunming City
    Abstract: This study aimed to compare the difference of health service utilization patterns in terms of different household registration status of residents in an outskirt district of Kunming City,China.The dual perspective combing the rural/urban and local/migrant segmentation was employed.It was identified that the local/migrant segmentation had a strong influence in health service utilization patterns due to migrants′ lack of health insurance and limited integration into the local social and economic system.In addition,further differences were identified between the rural and urban residents,reflecting the urban/rural divide′s influence on education and health utilization tendencies.However,it is only secondary to the local/migrant segmentation.Under the dual perspective,rural migrants were more likely to use unqualified private health services and deliver babies at homes,and they were the most vulnerable group that needs attentions from a social welfare point of view.
    Keywords: migrants; health utilization; rural/urban divide; local/migrant segmentation

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