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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 蔡昉 参加讨论

    关键词: 人口红利; 潜在经济增长率; 经济增长率; 全要素生长率; 户籍改革
    How Demographic Factor Plays Influence on China Future Economic Development
    Abstract: China has maintained the economic growth rate of 10% formerly,but potential economic growth rate immediately decreases with the disappearance of demographic dividend in 2010.If we don't accept the fact that the economic growth slowed down,as well as the strong internationally demand exists,it could keep the high speed of development while the real growth rate cannot match with potential growth rate. The European financial crisis and the sovereign debt crisis makes internationally demand decrease which give us a chance to adjust speed. Actually,It is a unexpected chance for us to promote sound economic development,so that we should improve potential economic growth rate by the improvement of labor supply and labor productivity instead of stimulating domestic demand under the background of the disappearance of demographic dividend and high labor cost.
    Keywords: Demographic dividend; Potential economic growth rate; Economic growth rate;Whole elements growth rate; Reform of household registration

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