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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 蔡昉;王… 参加讨论

    摘要: 中国在刘易斯转折点到来以及人口红利消失之后,劳动力投入型的增长模式不再可行,急需挖掘新的经济增长源泉。经济增长模式转变、产业结构升级,对劳动者技能的需求大大提高。如何避免教育回报率下降产生的负激励,发挥国家在各个教育阶段的恰当作用,创造新的人力资本源泉,是当下该思考的问题。政府要发挥恰当作用,通过合理的制度,促进教育发展。教育发展也要靠人力资本回报所产生的激励,通过社会、家庭和个人的需求而推动。
    关键词: 人力资本; 教育; 产业结构调整; 刘易斯转折点
    On the Status Quo of China’s Human Capital——How to Explore New Sources of Growth after Demographic Dividends Disappear
    Abstract: As China has reached the Lewis Turning Point and will soon run out demographic dividend,its economic growth can no longer be driven by inputs of labor and capital but has to be fuelled by new sources.This paper points out the urgent demand of a far more skilled workforce in order to support the transformation of the pattern of economic growth and the upgrading of the industrial structure.Now the problem worth think-ing about is on how to overcome disincentive of education caused by declining return on education,let the state play an appropriate role in all stages of education and create new sources of human capital.The government needs to perform its due role in promoting educational development through a reasonable system.Meanwhile,educational development should also be incentivized by returns on human capital and be promoted on the basis of the demand of society,families and individuals.
    Key words: Human capital; education; industrial structure adjustment; Lewis Turning Point

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