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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张车伟;… 参加讨论

    摘要:文章收集并使用1978 年以来有关数据,具体研究和分析改革开放以来中国劳动报酬占GDP 份额的变动状况。按照国际通用的方法,文章对中国劳动报酬数据进行了调整,结果发现,与调整前劳动报酬占GDP 份额出现显著下降不同,调整后劳动报酬份额在改革开放以来的大部分时间内保持了相对稳定,仅仅在最近几年开始出现明显下降。中国初次收入分配格局存在的问题不是劳动报酬占GDP 份额的下降,而是这一比例水平长期过低,初次收入分配格局似乎陷入了一种低水平稳定状态。作者认为,劳动报酬占GDP 份额低是一种不利于劳动者的收入分配格局。
    关键词:初次收入分配格局劳动报酬占GDP 份额低水平稳定
    Changes in Primary Income Distribution and Resulting Problems: A View of Labor Share in GDP
    Abstract:  This paper studies the change of the labor share in GDP. After making some necessary adjustments on the data based on methods used internationally, the paper finds that the labor share in GDP has kept relatively stable for most of the time after the economic reform,which is contrary to the result fromunadjusted data that the labor share in GDP has been rapidly decreasing. Therefore, the real problemin factor income distribution in China is that the labor share in GDP is too lowrather than falling.

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