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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 陆旸 参加讨论

    关键词:环境规制  污染密集型商品  比较优势  贸易模式
    Do Environmental Regulations Influence the competitiveness of Pollution-Intensive products?
    Abstract: According to “Pollution Haven Effect”, in order to evade strictly domestic environmental criterions, polluting industries in developed countries will be transferred to developing countries; alternative way is that developed countries increase imports of polluted products instead of producing their own, both of which is due to the change of comparative advantages. Since 1990s, many scholars pay special attention on whether environmental regulations affect the pattern of global trade, but their conclusions are different. This paper, based on the HOV model and 95 and 42 countries’ data in 2005, focus on empirical analysis which shows that: (1) according to the estimation based on the “environmental governance” index calculated by CIESIN, environmental regulation does not affect the comparative advantages of five types of pollution-intensive goods; (2) On the other hand, when the per capita income is considered as an endogenous indicator of environmental regulation, which will significantly promote the export of chemical products, Iron and steel products and paper products. The appropriate level of regulation can promote a comparative advantage in pollution-intensive goods.
    Keywords: Environmental Regulation; Pollution-intensive Products; Comparative Advantages; Trade patterns

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