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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张车伟;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 本文利用微观调查数据,对我国国有部门与非国有部门的工资差异进行了实证研究。在对工资差异进行分解后,本文发现,我国国有部门的工资优势中有80%以上来自于人力资本的优势,这说明人力资本在国有部门的工资决定中已经发挥了决定性作用。但人力资本对工资差异的贡献在工资分布区间并不均匀,它随着工资从高分位点到低分位点逐渐降低,与此对应的是工资溢价随工资从高分位点到低分位点逐渐升高。从工资差异看,在工资分布的高端——高知识高技能人才的密集区,工资差异完全体现为人力资本的差异,而在工资分布的低端——低技能劳动力的密集区,工资差异有很大一部分是人力资本无法解释的,也即溢价。本研究认为,造成这种现象的原因在于国有部门"共享式"的工资决定模式。这种模式倾向于在压低高技能劳动力的报酬率的同时,抬高低技能劳动力的报酬率。所以国有部门的工资决定应进一步强化人力资本的报酬机制,以提高效率,增强竞争力。
    关键词: 国有部门; 非国有部门; 工资差异; 人力资本
    State and Non-state Sector Wage Differentials and Human Capital Contribution
    Abstract: This paper analyses wage differentials between state-sector and non state-sector in China using household survey data. The decomposition of the wage differentials between the two sectors show that there are more than 80% wages advantages come from the advantages of human capital of state-sector. This indicates that human capital has been the key factor in state-sector wage determination. But the contribution of human capital across the wage distribution is not uniform. It declines monotonically with movement down to the left of the conditional wage distribution, and accordingly the wage premium increase monotonically with movement down to the left of the conditional wage distribution. At the high tail of the wage distribution, where the high skilled labors concentrate, the wage differentials completely come from character differentials. While at the low tail of the wage distribution, where the low skilled labors concentrate, a large part of the wage differentials can’t be explained by the human capital, which is called wage premium. This study confirms the phenomenon is caused by the "shared pattern" wage determination process within the state-owned sector. This pattern is inclines to depressing the high skilled labors’ rewards and lifting the low skilled labors’. So the state-sector should intensify the roles of human capital in wage determination process to improve the efficiency and to strengthen the competition.
    Key words: State-sector; Non-state-sector; Wage Differentials; Human Capital

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