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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 都阳;Jo… 参加讨论83

    摘要: 本文使用中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济所的城市住户调查资料,分析了父母的就业冲击对子女大学入学决策的影响。作者对中国经济结构的调整和劳动力市场冲击进行了介绍,讨论了中国的高等教育体制及其新近在融资和扩招方面的改革措施。在经验分析部分,我们仔细地控制了家庭之间不可观测的差异性所产生的影响,并利用线性概率模型对父母就业冲击所产生的影响进行了测算,结果发现父亲失去工作使即将进入大学的子女的入学可能性下降了约30%。
    关键词: 就业冲击; 重组; 大学入学决策
    Shocks to Parent Employment and the Impacts on College Enrollment Decision in Urban China
    Abstract: In this paper we employ urban household data collected by Institute of Population and Labor Economics to present the evidence of shocks to parent employment on the college enrollment decision of kids.We provide background on China. s economic restructuring and shocks to parent employment, discuss the higher education system in China, and review recent reforms affecting both the capacity and financing of post- secondary institutions. By carefully controlling for the unobserved heterogeneity, we use a linear probability model to find out that a father. s loss of employment during the year prior to college attendance does indeed have a negative impact on probability of college enrollment and the magnitude of effect is about 30%.
    Key Words: Employment Shock; Restructuring; College Enrollment Decision

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