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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 郑真真 参加讨论

    摘要: 90年代以来生育健康的提出为人口研究领域扩展了新的方向。但生育健康的包罗万象和难以定量制约了对其定量研究的深入。本文提出了一套适用于中国的衡量育龄妇女个人生育健康的描述性个体指标 ,把健康作为具有生理、心理和社会三方面的整体加以考虑 ,从安全孕产、有生育能力、生育调节、生殖系统疾病、性健康和婴儿 6个方面测量育龄妇女生育健康的结果。指标的选择和设计试图不单从妇幼保健或计划生育的目的出发 ,而是全面、准确地描述某时期内育龄妇女生育健康的状况 ,以利于为制定政策和规划项目提供有价值的、较全面的参考信息。
    关键词: 生育健康; 妇女; 指标
    An Approach to Women’s Reproductive Health Indicators in China
    Abstract: Reproductive health issues raise extended the research scope of population science since the 90’s. However, the content with wide coverage and the difficulty in quantified definition limited in depth quantified study in this area. This article presents a set of descriptive reproductive health indicators which was expected to apply to women in reproductive age in China. The design is aimed at considering physical, mental, and social well being aspects of wo men, measuring reproductive health outcome from safe pregnancy, ability of childbearing, fertility regulation, disease of reproductive health system, healthy sex, and healthy infancy. The selections or designs of the indicators are not for the purpose of maternal and child care and family planning only, but for describing childbearing age women’s reproductive health in a certain period holistically and accurately, which are able to provide valuable and comprehensive information for policy making and program planning.
    Key words: reproductive health; women; indicators

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