摘要: 本文是在河北南部农村所做调查基础上写成的。作者着重就集体经济时代农民的生活水平、生存能力和集体保障水平作了分析,指出集体经济时期农民的生活水平的提高是有限的 ,但农民的生存能力却大大增强 ,表现在农民家庭养育人口的数量明显增加 ,区域和全国性人口的大幅度上升正是在这种环境下取得的。
关键词:集体经济; 农民; 生存条件; 华北南部
The Subsistence Situation of Peasant in the Collective Economy Era --an Rural Investigation to the South of Hebei Abstract:This paper mainly analyses living level, subsistence ability and collective security in the collective economy era. According to this study, the living level of peasant hadn’t been markedly raised in the collective economy era. However the subsistence ability of peasant had greatly been enhanced. Its indication was that peasant could raise more family member. Regional and national population had rapidly increased under this background.
全文阅读 文章出处:中国农村观察,2002年第5期