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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张展新 参加讨论

    摘要: 在劳动力市场分割及衍生的社会不平等这一研究领域,理论关注集中在劳动力市场的城乡分割和“国有一非国有”部门分割。文章认为,20世纪90年代以来,在城乡分割和部门分割弱化的同时,向非国有经济开放的产业和由国有单位垄断的产业所构成的非农产业划分已经成为分割劳动力市场的新结构。劳动力市场的产业分割意味着就业机会的不平等。文章利用第五次全国人口普查抽样数据所做Logistic回归分析结果证实了不同劳动人口群体进入收入相对丰厚的国家垄断产业就业的机会差异。
    关键词: 体制改革; 劳动力市场; 社会不平等
    Sectoral Segmentation of Labor Markets and the Labor Mobility
    Abstract: Labor market segmentation and the resulting social inequalities have been a subject of research on transitional China. To contribute to the literature, this paper argues that while the urban-rural segmentation and ownership segmentation are diminishing, industry segmentation became a new type of labor market segmentation since the 1990s. This perspective of labor market segmentation implies a discrimination against certain groups of worker to enter industries monopolized by the state. Based on 2000 Census data, the results of empirical work support for the hypothesized effect of the industry segmentation on inequality in employment and mobility.

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